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Your body is undergoing the most incredible changes as you are hard at work creating a human being from scratch.  It is a truly remarkable process which for lots of women can be somewhat spoiled by various aches and pains such as:

Pregnancy Care







Please find below a list of pregnancy services on offer at Samantha McTaggart Physiotherapy.  If you have any questions on whether this treatment is right for you then please get in touch.


One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP), which affects 1 in 5 women and can occur at any point during pregnancy (source: pelvic partnership).  Pelvic girdle pain is commonly described as an aching/sharp pain in the low back, hips, buttock or pubic area with women experiencing pain in some or all of these areas.  This pain can affect almost all aspects of day to day life including walking, bending, climbing stairs and turning in bed.  Many women are told that this is a common symptom of pregnancy, and mistakenly believe that they have to put up with it until their baby arrives.  However, PGP  is very treatable in the right hands. As with lots of conditions the sooner you get treatment the better but it can be treated at all stages of pregnancy, making a significant difference to your experience of pregnancy, birth and early motherhood. 

Pelvic Gridle Pain

How treatment can help


The key to most aches and pains is creating balance within the body's myofascial structures, which in turn helps to reduce discomfort, increase mobility and restore best possible function to the body's framework.  Our body works at its best when it’s in the best position to do so, whether that is on the sports field or growing a baby.


Using gentle hands-on treatment methods to balance the tension and pull of the soft tissues attaching across, and to, the pelvic bones allows the pelvic joints to function without being pulled/restricted by these tissues, providing fast and effective relief from symptoms.  Further advice on exercise and safe movement patterns in pregnancy help to avoid aggravating the condition and help to maintain treatment benefits. If you have any questions or would like more information then please get in touch.

Alternatively, further information on Pelvic Girdle pain can be found at:    Pelvic Partnership:

Pregnant Belly
Pregnancy Maintenance

Many women who have been attending for treatment prior to falling pregnant are aware of the benefits of keeping their body in the best possible biomechanical position, especially when leading an active lifestyle.  Lots of women are keen to keep this up whilst expecting a baby.  Hormones present during pregnancy as well as changes in weight distribution and movement patterns can place an additional strain on the body’s normal biomechanics.  Whilst this does not mean that women should not exercise during pregnancy, it is a good idea to keep your alignment in check to make sure that you continue to exercise with your body in the best possible position to reduce the likelihood of injury or developing pregnancy related pains. 


Many patients over the years have benefitted from having treatment at key intervals during their pregnancies to maintain good biomechanical function, allowing them to continue with their busy lives and enjoy their pregnancy experience.  The same can also be true of busy 2nd (3rd or 4th) time mums who don’t have time to take things slow when aches and pains set in.  If you would like to know more about getting the best from your body during pregnancy then get in touch.

Image by Lotte Meijer


38 week check


You’re nearly there mama! Not much longer to go. If you have been reading the website then you will already know the importance of keeping your body in the best position possible and how this can benefit you in pregnancy.  However, when it comes to birthing, the body’s alignment can have a huge impact on your birth experience: from dilation of the cervix, what birthing positions you can achieve, effectiveness of contractions and breathing techniques.  During your 38 week check you will receive everything you need to ensure that you are best prepared (mentally and physically) for your upcoming birth.​

In addition to a full body assessment we will also discuss:

  • your birth plan

  • key items for your hospital bag

  • the different stages of labour and what you can do during each to help things to progress as smoothly as possible

  • positions for birthing in various scenarios i.e. water birth, back to back birth

  • answer any lingering questions relating to pregnancy or birth you may have

Postnantal Care
pregnancy section pic.jpg



Birthing can be an unpredictable process, and you may have found yourself in positions/scenarios that you never quite expected.  This combined with hours of feeding, lifting, cradling a newborn and carrying a heavy car seat can all take their toll on a body which has gone through enormous physical and hormonal changes. This service aims to ensure that your body recovers from giving birth and those early weeks of motherhood. 


Taking care of yourself allows you to take better care of your family.

 In addition to receiving a full body assessment and treatment I will also provide:


  • An in-depth explanation on how to perform Pelvic Floor Exercises

  • An optional pelvic floor examination

  • Advice on C-section care and scar tissue massage where appropriate

  • Check for Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA) – also known as ‘split’ tummy muscles

  • Advice on returning to exercise

Mummy MOT




This specialist examination is for mothers of children at any age, whether you have a newborn or your child is now attending college.  This thorough examination will assess your posture, pelvic floor, stomach muscles and overall strength and function, giving you a clear understanding of where you are in your postnatal recovery and highlight any areas which may need some attention to get you reaching your goals.  This is a must for any mum’s who want to ensure that they are physically recovered before returning to exercise.

Mother and Baby
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