How Your Information Is Collected:
We collect your information when you fill out the contact form.
We also collect data in Cookies on our website for the purpose of Analytics traffic data.
The information we collect includes your Name, email address and phone number.
What is done with your Information?
Your information is used to contact you regarding your initial enquiry. It may be used to send you marketing emails as a prospective customer.
This website uses cookies to collect analytics data of how you clicked through to the site and where you visited. This data also gives information of how long you visited pages for and what your exit point was from the site.
For the purposes of marketing, we may store your email address on a 3rd party mailing system to send out marketing emails. That information is held on our account and is not available for use by the 3rdparty, they act as a mailing service software provider.
Who your information is shared with?
Companies who help to send email marketing campaigns and with a company that requests reviews on our behalf, about your customer experience.
As a client your data will be stored on our accounts system for the purpose of invoicing.
Our Lawyer in the event of a legal claim
Search Engines who help to understand how people are using the website
IT Providers in the case of a technical support issue relating directly to an issue you are having.
Your data will never be sold to any 3rd party company for them to use for their own purposes of marketing.
How can you access your personal data?
If you would like to find out what information is stored about you, please contact using the information below.
Requests will be responded to within 14 days. Requests are normally free, but repetitive requests may have to be charged for, to cover costs.
How to get in contact
For all enquiries relating to privacy and personal data, please contact the following person:
Name: Samantha McTaggart
Email address: smctphysio@outlook.com
Telephone: 07944750979
Postal Address:
Samantha McTaggart Physiotherapy, within Baby Central, 6 Munro Road, Stirling, FK7 7UU
Policy Updates
Policy may be changed as required when there are changes in the privacy laws, or to add information about the way your personal data is managed.
Where changes are made to this policy, your acceptance of the terms will be assumed on the next use of our site.
Policy last updated: 12/12/2020